2013年8月18日 星期日

石秤錘/ 石秤錘/ Stone Weight


據史料記載,早在春秋時期秤錘就已是民間必需品;它的材質多樣,有銅、鐵與陶瓷,而其中又以石秤錘最為常見。起初人們只是單純用它來測量輕重。後來隨著石刻工藝發展,有些人漸漸開始重視起這些石秤錘的造型,甚至還出現了專門製作秤錘的匠師... ...


史料によれば、早くも春秋時代には、既に分銅は人々の必需品となっており、銅、鉄、陶など様々な素材で作られていましたが、中でも多かったのが石の分銅でした。はじめは単に重さを量るために使われていましたが、のちに石の彫刻工藝の発展に伴って、石の分銅のかたちを重視する人たちが現れ、専門の分銅職人すら登場するようになりました... ...

In ancient China, stone weights were a necessity in daily life.
Literally as an object for measuring, but also as a metaphor in weighing people’s heart and symbolizing good conscience in doing business.

According to Shi Ji – Records of the Grand Historian, the usage of weights were commonly seen among general public as early as 770 B.C. Weights came in various materials such as copper, iron and ceramics. Among them all, stone weights were most conventional.
In the beginning, weights were only used for measuring, but with advanced skills of stone making, the craftsmanship of the stone weights became more sophisticated and received greater recognition. Due to its refinement and sophistication, people started paying closer attention to the design of stone weights and led many artisans to specifically focus on making stone weights... ... 

