2020年10月28日 星期三

EVENT|NOV. 每週四 THU. —— Garden91無聲日/ The Silence Practicing Days

草山玉溪Garden 91「無聲日」

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在Studio 94舉辦荷蘭世界新聞攝影展的展期間,Garden 91將把每週四訂為「無聲日」。您若願無聲閱讀,享受寂靜,我們便奉上免費的禪茶點心,以謝謝您一起來讓所有參觀者享受靜謐的美好。

Event|The Silence Practicing Days in Garden91

Dates|Each Thursday in November, 2020.


During the days of the World Press Photo Exhibition in Studio94, it'll be the Silence Practicing Day on each Thursday in Garden91. It means visitors joint the practice start at the moment go into the garden. If you would like to joint us, reading our books and enjoy the silence, we'll serve you a Zen-dessert as the gift to thanks your joint.

Welcome to joint us practicing to be voiceless and enjoy the silence in Thursday, November.